(A Somewhat Unreasonable) List of Immediate Wants

- I want Patrick's house to sell — tonight.
- I want Geronimo (who just ate 4 sticks of butter) to stop puking it up.
- I want to not have to put Roy to sleep, and to have him feel better and be able to walk and enjoy life.
- I want the fence at the Summit house to be fixed — correctly.
- I want to find a crib set I like.
- I want to go out and buy some really great maternity clothes and get my nails done.
- I want to just go out and buy the pack n' play and stroller and changing table I like, rather than worrying about the money.
- I want a glass of really good wine.
- Or a margarita.
- I want a housecleaner.
- I want some shea butter rub for my belly and some nice shower gel.
- I want a really good book and some uninterrupted time to read it.
- I want a really good mix cd.


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