Star Bright

Tonight we had a mini-date at Bar Brigade while Beatrix was at circus. The Lawless folks had taken over for a cocktail tasting called "Star Bright," and so we got to try 5 Hemingway-inspired cocktails, each with a highly varied store that wold do Papa proud. I introduce:

the Key West Punch (look at the flower!)

Green Isaac's Special (coconut!)

the Montgomery Martini (a true martini)

Death in the Afternoon (absinthe and sparkling wine!)

Gregorio's Rx (our fave)

I love the feeling at the Bar Brigade bar, and bartender Oona (I think that's how it's spelled) is one of the best in town. I'll happily meet you there for any happy hour I can sneak away to without feeling like a terrible parent. But this really ups the game! (cocktails on rotation for the rest of the summer)


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