Corona Cleaning - Weekend Contrast

So yesterday was like a Before Times day. We helped at the park, planted a pear tree, did yoga, brought Beatrix to Norwegian Dance and then eschewed a busy Stillwater in favor of Marine-on-St.-Croix and bad mochas but good reading. We stopped at 5 Below on the way back, and Beatrix went to a birthday event while we went to a pottery sale. I met my friend Geri for a beer at Bad Weather. And we went to the 8th grade parent social.

(The ceiling at the coffee shop)

Today, by contrast, was much...quieter...

After yoga, I worked on planting the geraniums we took out of the park in our yard. I think we can get a few more weeks out of them. and they make it really cozy. You should come over for a beer!

We also spent several hours deep cleaning the living areas of the house — yes, I know you all did that when quarantine started, but I was too busy learning about PPP loans. There's still work to do, but we got the living room, library, hall, and dining room fairly well cleaned up — so if you come over for that drink and it rains, we can be inside the house as well.

I'm still hoping to get some apple crisp made tonight, but at least I feel somewhat productive.


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