Things I Love

 I would bet some of these are pretty obvious to you. But some may not be. In no particular order:

1. Books. Actually most of you know this. Despite being a firm "E" on the MBTI, there's nothing I love more that curling up with a good book.

2. My cats and dogs. I mean, look at how cute these guys are. I love all animals, but dogs and cats are the best.

3. (Related?) Sled dogs. I am low-key obsessed with sled dog racing, especially the Iditarod. Going up to Wintermoon Summersun changed my life in this regard, and it doesn't have to be a race for me to adore the experience. The north woods with a team of dogs? Heaven. 

4. Cocktails. I think you all knew this, too. They have the special feeling of a fancy dessert and an experience. I mean, I'm pretty fond of good wine and craft beer too, but if I had to pick one it would be a cocktail.

5. Theatre. Still my first love.

6. Fine art. I realized, partway through the pandemic, that what I missed maybe the most was spending time in a museum or gallery. I no longer take it for granted.

7. Small parties where I get to really talk to people.

8. My city. I'm So Saint Paul. My work with historic preservation stems from this too.

9. Good smelling things, in a subtle way. Candles, bulbs, stargazer lilies, the like.

10. Sweaters. I'm always cold. Sweaters make it better (Pacas socks too).

11. Light. Right now I spend a lot of time thinking about light in places. Firelight, bright light, reflected light. Light as art. I blame Sensorio.

12. Glass. Probably related to point #11, but in a different way.

13. Travel. Still trying to suss what that means in pandemic-esque times. Whether it's taking the train from Hong Kong to London, to spending the weekend in Door County with friends, travel is a huge value for me (and luckily, for my family too). Here I am hitting my 50th state last week.

14. Yoga and a Pint. Viv and this community of "crazy yogis" has been a huge game-changer for me. It's the only exercise program I've reliably stick with, and is now a core part of my identity.

15. My friends and family. Not a particularly unusual value, but I hope you all know I'd lay down my life for you.


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