Planting Sunday

Instead of resolutions this year, I had goals. Twelve sets of four goals each, ranging from going out with  people I don't usually see to trying new bars and restaurants to writing letters. It's particularly interesting to me to see the areas that I have not yet ticked off all the boxes (creating things, learning things, and writing letters, for the record).

I say this because I am not sure if todays's radical re-imagining of our plant area counts as creating something. I certainly know that the plant table looks better, here's the before pic (plants are off but not yet trimmed back):

"During" pic:

The main focus of today, though, was trimming back and repotting my various orchids. 

I've done relax well with orchids, but always basically on the "benign neglect" model. Today I took them all out of their pots, cut back rotted roots, repotted where the roots had gone crazy, and basically spiffed them up.

I'm terrified this will kill them all.

Meanwhile, over at Hague, we got a new redbud in the front yard:


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