Have a Seat!

It seemed like Christmas came early today when Patrick enlisted the help of a friend to move some big heavy furniture around!

To back up a second — much of my office work is done in a big comfy chair, with an ottoman in front of my, the cats nearby, and where I can grab things as they come out of the printer.

But my old big comfy chair, which we had brought over from Summit, was worn out, to the point where the staples on it kept on catching at me. Though it was comfortable, it was not inspiring. Luckily, since I was sitting in it, no one saw much of it on zoom.

The ottoman had been converted into "Trouble's play space":

And the other chair on the 3F was suffering a similar fate:

So I got a new chair from the neighborhood free board. It turned out to be from a friend's mom, which makes it extra special, and our friends Peg and Troy helped us pick it up. So I think about a lot of greta people when I sink into it (it's much squishier than the old one).

I don't like change much, and throwing away a chair from my mom's is hard for me. But I'm looking forward to working in my cozy, updated space, though it might need some holiday decorations to liven it up.


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