Summer of Reading


My friend Tracy gave me a whole stack of books from the book of the Month Club the other day and so I joyfully deemed it the "Summer of Reading" over on the 'gram:

A lot of my friends wanted to know what that meant:

Do we discuss the books? (I mean, I suppose informally but not in any book club kind of way).

Is there a specific book or genre? (No).

They already read a lot, do they need to do something else? (I'm also Team All Books All The Time. This just gives me an excuse to double down this summer and spend more time in a hammock with a book. I'm "Achieving a Goal.")

Can we have Summer of Gin simultaneously with Summer of Reading? (Of course).

Is there a summer reading challenge like when we were kids? (I'll be on the lookout for one, sometimes Red Balloon does one for adults. I don't know anyone that will give us a personal pan pizza for reading a lot, sadly).

Because Summer of Reading clearly needed explanation, I used Fiverr for the first time last night to order up a logo (see it above!) and I love it! I can highly recommend the designer I worked with ( I only ordered the logo last night and already got it this morning! Watch for it all summer.

And I finished my first Summer of Reading book, The Many Lives of Mama Love.

ETA: Turns out SPPL does have a summer reading program!


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