Fine Films
I had very much wanted to see Conclave in theaters last fall, but we never seem to actually get *out* to movie theaters. So I was happy to see the DVD on the "Lucky Day" shelf at the library, and after my meeting last night I came home to Patrick making some popcorn and we settled down to watch it. It was great — the cinematography was beautiful and that would have been better on the big screen, but just being able to hang out and watch a movie together, in the middle of my busiest month, was great. So I don't see enough movies, and I have not seen a lot of great ones lately (besides Conclave, and Wicked on Christmas.) Last year started well (partially thanks to the Spirit Awards) with the American Fiction, Maestro, Four Daughters , and The Color Purple , but got kind of slow after that. Probably because I did not see enough movies. And really I need to see more. Most of our viewing activities are series on TV that we watch slowly over a way too long period because we di...