Fine Films
I had very much wanted to see Conclave in theaters last fall, but we never seem to actually get *out* to movie theaters. So I was happy to see the DVD on the "Lucky Day" shelf at the library, and after my meeting last night I came home to Patrick making some popcorn and we settled down to watch it. It was great — the cinematography was beautiful and that would have been better on the big screen, but just being able to hang out and watch a movie together, in the middle of my busiest month, was great.
So I don't see enough movies, and I have not seen a lot of great ones lately (besides Conclave, and Wicked on Christmas.)
Last year started well (partially thanks to the Spirit Awards) with the American Fiction, Maestro, Four Daughters, and The Color Purple, but got kind of slow after that. Probably because I did not see enough movies. And really I need to see more. Most of our viewing activities are series on TV that we watch slowly over a way too long period because we distractedly watch one episode a week.
What are the best films you've seen lately, and why?