I Really Am Still Here

You noticed, huh? Almost all of July has gone by and not a word.

It's not that I don't love you.

JUly has been an insanely busy month. All of my crazy June deadlines got pushed off into July. I've been working like crazy, non-stop.

Thought I've always thought of summer as "my time," this July has been especially hard. It was 8 years ago that my mom was diagnosed with cancer and my world fell apart. This summer has been an especially hard reminder of that, as we have been cleaning through things at Summit.

We've had never-ending projects, at all three houses, and I feel stuck in quicksand of just getting nothing done.

In many ways it's been a good summer, full of pool parties and events. Some great nights with friends, especially this week.

But I feel a little weighted-down, overwhelmed, unable to keep up. Thus, the lack of blog posts, or enthusiasm in general.

I'll be back. But right now I think I just need some time, and some rest.


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