Building Community

Beatrix started her theater classes this morning at Children's Theatre Company, and was happy to have several of her friends from last session in class again (Patrick and I were happy to get back to getting work done at Glam Doll Donuts during class).

But then, this afternoon, while Patrick was speaking to a group in Columbia Heights about minimalism, Beatrix and I hit some community events and did errands. We stopped at the School Choice Fair, to support the Randolph Heights teachers at the booth and talk to some prospective families (ok, well, I did. Beatrix collected pencils and other swag).

Then we stopped by the Macalester-Groveland Community Council's Frost Fest. I guess I had never realized how extensive the Groveland skating rink is, and Beatrix decorated an awesome puck:

Tonight, we met Beatrix's friends Dia and Meara for Game Night at Grand Shanghai, hosted by Sixth Chamber Used Books. It was a ton of fun, playing a game our friends had chosen called Dixit.

We then headed to our friend Marlys' annual Crashed Ice party. The party was as fun as ever, but we didn't head to the Ice because it was a paid, ticketed event this year, which seems kind of awful and against the spirit of the event.

Plus, everywhere we went today we ran into someone we knew. I'm usually in my own little world as we run around, so I love it when people take the time to call out "Hey, Bethany!"

All in all, though, a great day that reminded us what a wonderful series of communities we exist in...


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