2017 In Slips of Paper

What the slips of paper in our "good things from 2017" jar said:

Beatrix braces off
Beatrix' fiber arts scholarship
Hyacinths blooming
Glass birds from Vibrant
CJ volunteer party
Getting a Hatchimal
Dropping things off for the KidsPark sale
Harry Potter Year 2
Patio night
3 Cirque shows (O, Love, and Mystere)
Bethany's craft area cleanup
Brunch with Amy and Jaye/playdate with Scarlett
Built swingset for Beatrix
Stillwater day
Women's retreat
Tenant restaurant
Installed new under cabinet light in kitchen
The Oscars
Dinner party at Kate and Baxter's
Hidden Figures
Elderberry cocktail at Revival with Heidi and Denise
GTYS concert with Dylan in it and out afterwards
The Grand Canyon
Using the real silver Bethany got me for Christmas
Felipe and Juliana's wedding
Amelia Island beach
Lobster rolls eaten with silver
Dancing on the Edge
Dining room remodel
Tiger Lily
Bottle Rocket with Jenn and Erica
A bathing suit that fits
Organizing patrick's electronics accessory bin
I'm eating more healthily than I have in my life
Piano lessons
Jason gave me a Kramer knife
A PTA meeting on split classrooms that did not blow up
Can Can Wonderland
Jenn and Elsie
April birthdays party at Marlys'
The Pink House
Pool parties
Gray chest for Beatrix's arts and crafts stuff
Great PTA event
CJ press conference for DC
Front closet cleanup and organization
Martin Luther exhibit and running into he Barr family
Dinner at Ken and Jennifer's
Getting a hair stroke thing for the family
Seeing Trolls
Cafe Alma lunch with Heidi
New dining room set
MRAC session
Trial verdict
Back stoop rebuilt
The pool
12th Night dinner with Schlossahabs
Clothing exchanges - Samantha Res, Powderhorn
A ghost tour in Savannah that came through
Chocolate martinis and cookies at Lulu's
Duluth trip over MEA
12th Night at Debra's
PAM painting class
Skating with Beatrix at Nathan Hale Park
Joe Biden
Organized present box
Tom Harkcom's NY Day party
I made BB a pony tail without lumps and that made her happy
Jason's circus lights road trip

Good memories of a not-so-greta year.

We're already working on filling the 2018 jar!


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