Community Pool

I didn't grow up with a pool. My mom put it in when I left for college (thanks, mom). You would think I would swim every day all summer, but the truth is I don't swim as much as I would like. But I do love the pool for so many reasons:

Friday Night Pool Parties

What began as a way to spend time with friends when the kids were small has evolved into a weekly ritual, where people make connections with other people, hang out, chill, grill, snack, drink, and talk. We never know who's going to be here, which is part of the fun. They might be my favorite part of summer. If you're reading this, you're invited (probably).

My Aunt

Pretty much every day my aunt comes and swims, with her friends Diane and Linda, or my uncle Bob as her lifeguard (sometimes if I am working from home I can fill that role). She gets great exercise, and they have wide-ranging conversations. I love this and plan pretty much all other pool use around it. (They are also a good reminder I should swim more).

Other Friends and Family

Often other friends will come swim. My friend Roddie loves swimming, so this summer she's been able to come by a couple of times (and is welcome anytime)! My book club meets here because there's nothing like discussing literature in the water (my friend Deb down the street also holds meetings in her pool too!). A couple of times my cousin's daughter has come over with her friends. Friends have borrowed it for family gatherings. All of Songs of Hope came last year!

The Internets

A few times when it's been really hot I've even offered up pool time to an internet group of Saint Paul women (mainly moms) I am part of. This weekend it was so fun to hear baby laughter coming from the pool in the morning! (plus someone brought me beautiful flowers).

For me, the poolside is a place to show how much people mean to you, to make and strengthen friendships, to build community. You're always welcome here!


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