Always Grateful for the Marathon

I wax rhapsodic about the Marathon every year. But I always do love it — and have since I was a teen cheering on my teacher Fitz, one of the first people I knew to run it.

And since I have lived in my current neighborhood, the McLaughlins have had a marathon party; first Judy and now her son David and his family. (The McLaughlins are stellar people, we were there last week for a debate watching party).

Today we walked down and were able to cheer for friends running the 10-mile, saw the first wheelchairs come by as we were talking to our friend Sylvia, and made it to the McLaughlin's in plenty of time to see the first runners. 

Plus some of the end of the 10-milers:

We visited with friends and ate great food. We got to hang out with Senator Klobuchar as she high-fived runners, much like the late great Paul Wellstone did at that same location for many years.

We got to appreciate the Pride Festival the JJ Hill house had going in the front yard (yay Gibson for making that happen!)

And I knew SO many people running but did not realize it until afterwards; next year I will need to remember to ask in advance! We stayed to cheer on Beatrix's science teacher, Ms. Schwictenberg, and B was so happy to see her that she jumped up and down.

It's the best of all fall celebrations in our neighborhood, and I love it just as much every year! Thank you so much, David and Amber, for making it happen.


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