Live in Concert

I can't remember the last time I saw two concerts in two nights!

Last night, we *finally* got to the Palace for a concert, seeing The The touring for their new album. We seemed to join everyone else our age in the Twin Cities who feel in love with the band during our formative teen years, including Patrick's close friend Dawn and her boyfriend Harry, who we met for dinner at St. Dinette before the show.

The concert was great, some of the most fun I have had in a long time. The first half was pretty much a straight run of the new album, then an intermission and the band's older hits (and I mean "they lightly" — The The is and always has been Matt Johnson plus the people he surrounds himself, knowing better than most that when you surround yourself with brilliant people you look even better). 

It made for a great night, starting with poetry and ending with nostalgia. Matt Johnson is a genius and no one can convince me otherwise. 

Also I clearly formed brilliant musical taste when I was a teen.


Tonight was a super surprise bonus — Stevie Wonder! Our friends Robert and Emily had a great connection and extra tickets, which they offered us, but we turned them down because our friend Derek was in town from New Orleans and we had already arranged to spend time with him. But they upped the ante at the last minute with an extra ticket so we could all go!

The concert was amazing (Russ Raihala reviews it far better than I could ever attempt to, so just go read his review in the PiPress, it's already up). But what really struck me was being in this whole huge stadium, all together, appreciating the music and being together in an experience. The moments of being able to dance with my daughter (and husband, and friend), of looking down from our great seats to the floor seats to see another family we love dearly who made this happen for us, and just being present was so very important — and it seems to be for Steve and his whole big entourage (including the band, 6 backup singers, and both a horn and a strings section) as well.

As we walked Derek back to his hotel he said "It was great to share that with you." I could not agree more.


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