Outside Decor - A Build Post

 (uhh, yeah, it's been a minute since I've gotten a build post up...)

Yesterday was really warm. So, after I had done some errands like getting the dog's nails trimmed, and going to the glasses store and getting some Christmas shopping done, I took a hot minute to get some outdoor ornaments up.

I had gotten these bulbs on the free page on FB. I always want *something* on the porch. but full-blown garland is too much and there's no place to plug in lights (and solar lights look pathetic in the winter). I like how cute and delicate they look. Maybe if I get really motivated before Christmas I'll make ice luminaria.

I also got the garage window boxes done. I do a different theme every year, and this year was inspired by the NOLA Thanksgiving parade. My friend Kristen dropped by some spare green or it never would have happened, after spending $100 for our tree (yikes!)

Then I went off and hosted an event at circus for the holiday show and then to Beatrix's Pops Concert!


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