Small Things, Not Perfect, But Done

It was a snow day for many people today, after we got almost 12" of snow. But not for Beatrix, whose school was apparently the only one open in the metro area,  or Patrick, who shoveled everything out, or for me, who got buried in a raft of zoom calls and issues where people just were not listening.

So I took a couple of small breaks to finish off some projects I had wanted to get knocked off for awhile. Because I was distracted and kind of annoyed, neither of them were perfectly executed, but I am going for the "perfect is the enemy of good" here.

In 2020-2021, Skewed Visions did a performance piece by mail as a way to adapt to covid conditions. These 4 pieces were sent separately but intended to go together as a commentary on the epidemic.

I finally got around to framing them in a double-sided glass frame so both sides could be viewed; now I just have to suss where to display it. Working on this, especially on a day stuck at home, was a startling reminder of those times.

Another small project that's been nagging me for awhile was covering the drawers of this filing cabinet, which is where I store deep files from past preservation projects. It was a little battered, and I had been given some peel and stick paper awhile back that I intended to use on it.

As I worked on this project I was waiting for a callback from a payroll company that really borked my client's payroll (grrr), so I was a little distracted. It's not my best work ever. But, in the end, I think it looks better (now I need to clean the rest of the closet out):

It's these kinds of projects that I mean when I talk about "attend" as my word for the year. Probably not anything big and glitzy and glamorous, but little things that have to get done. I'm glad I got something taken care of on my snow day.


Anonymous said…
Thought that image looked familiar…

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