A Night of Theatre

Last night (after a brief stop at a Crashed Ice party), we picked up out sitter and had a great night out of theatre events!

First, we used our Artshare memberships for the first time at the Southern Theatre to see Rehearsing Failure at Theatre Novi Most. Novi Most is relatively new in town (within the last few years), and had been on my radar, but I had not made it there to see anything yet. Then, over the summer, we saw Artistic Director Lisa Channer perform in a Skewed Visions piece, "3-Play," and we loved it. This began a new friendship with Lisa, and Patrick joined their board this fall.

The piece literally turns the Southern around; you are sitting in a small set of seats on the side of the stage (and opening night was sold out!) The show itself was fantastic — well written, a design that was especially strong on lighting and video, and some of the strongest performances I have seen in years. The entire cast — Pearce Bunting, Billy Mullaney, Annie Enneking, and Sara Richardson — was great, but I could not have been more struck by Barbra Berlovitz's spare and absolutely spot-on performance.

The owning moment of that show will stay with me forever. As Patrick and I discussed, I have issues with the ending, but all in all, I can't say "GO SEE IT" strongly enough. I'll go again and see it with you — I mean it. Plus it's only 65 minutes, so we can grab a drink at Sanctuary afterwards.

(They also have a HatchFund campaign going to pay the artists, and if you donate today, 1/25, your gift will double!!)


After that, we headed over to Bedlam, to see Annie Enneking — who had just ripped up the stage with the Novi Most show — perform on another stage with her band Annie and the Bang Bang! Man, that woman is incredible! The event was the Minnesota Playlist party, and it was a great night of dancing, seeing people I love and respect and admire, drinking good beer, and hanging out. This is an incredible artistic community, and I could not be more proud to be part of it.

(and hey, we need to get out and get a sitter more often!!)


Damon Runnals said…
Thanks for coming out to see Rehearsing Failure and thanks for being an ARTshare member!

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