More Camp CoCo

List posts are for the lazy, or for those who are just not going to get around to writing a full post but want to hang on to a few thoughts:

-  Very smooth, first batch Two Gingers by a campfire, passed between people. "Just one goat!"
-  Sitting on a moss-covered rock overlooking a beautiful lake and discussing your "Why?"
-  G&Ts in a dining hall with a view that Tattersall would envy.
-  Loving Nora, and thinking Dessa is The Bomb.
-  Thinking about things differently after talking to Robert Stephens (even, or maybe especially, the Instant Pot).
-  Climbing up a mountain in the dark, so that we could watch an amazing sunrise over Lake Superior.
-  Conversations — waves of conversations.
-  My husband hitting it out of the park with his keynote.
-  Stars.
-  Content. Inspired. Curious. Grateful.


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