Small Domesticities

I slept in a little this morning after perhaps too much butter beer at a Harry Potter party last night. So when I woke up and saw a post on FB about how to clean a front loading washer, I decided it was my penance.

Here's the site, for full info: The Chic Site - How to Clean Your Front-Loading Washer. The short of it is that I cleaned the entire gasket area really well with vinegar and a toothbrush — and, well, yuk. There's also a little drain that was filled with scum — who knew? Ok, so probably the rest of you do this weekly or something, I'm not exactly a domestic goddess.

I'm also not the greatest visually, but I made a noble attempt at cleaning out the dead planet from the garage window boxes and filling them with some red dogwood twigs I was given and some old dried hydrangea. I don't think it's half bad. This is something I never would have attempted a year ago, but I credit my friend Susi for encouraging me to take some chances with floral design.

Yesterday Beatrix had a class at the Loft, then trick-or-treating in Highland, we went to the Halloween event at Gibbs Farm, and we had the aforementioned Harry Potter party. Today is another Halloween party and Zoo Boo (plus taking the dog to the groomer's), so these were once little domestic moments in the midst of all that.


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