Corona Cleaning - Garage Band

 This one was a big one.

Our garage has filled up over the years with stuff from my dad's, building materials (our neighbor pulled over the other day and said "It's like Scherer Lumber in here!"), general lawn and garden stuff, the rugs we took out of the house when we did the floors, some things that really should have been thrown out, a lot of tools (yes, there is a table saw AND a mitre saw in that picture, as well as 2 chainsaws — see earlier note on stuff from my dad's) and pieces of orphan furniture that I keep rescuing. Like, to the point that you could not get a car in, which is what a garage is ostensibly for.

So, over 2 full weekend days, we focused on cleaning it out.

We got like things into like piles — oh look, all the wood is in the woodrack, all the garden materials together, all the bikes hung, etc. We threw out a ton. We organized the tools. We cleaned the rugs.

We gave away a ton of rugs and weatherstripping and various small things on the neighborhood BST pages. We're still trying to suss what to do with the couch (I love this couch but it's a ton of work to redo and we have nowhere to put it).

But in the end, it was worth it.

And just in time — snow comes tomorrow!


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