Pandemic Projects - Fall Yard

 Oh look, it's fall and we're still doing pandemic projects! (sign courtesy of my friend Ann)

We started the day helping out at Lookout Park, doing the fall clean-up with neighborhood friends. The geraniums we were taking out were still blooming, so I decided to take home some to cheer up our back yard.

I also revealed, at that point, that I had collected some plants people were splitting. Some of them were ground cover, which inspired Patrick to get on a project he had long wanted to do, cleaning up the borders of our front walk. (the one on the left is the finished project, on the right is yet to be done).

I planted the water iris and serviceberry I had gotten, but needed Patrick to got holes big enough for the weigela. This is just a temporary place; there are 2 actually, and they will go over to Summit next year. But it inspired me to clean up our back weed area off of the alley. Next year I would like to put a raised bed in here.

We did take a little break to walk down with Brutus to the Fall Festival at Aesthetic Home, where I won a super-cute little bunny pot (just in time too, as I am cleaning up my plants).


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