Dad Under Glass

When my dad died, we donated his body to the University of Minnesota's Anatomy Bequest Program. His ashes have been sitting around, actually, for awhile since they have sent them back; I really need to get organized and get a niche at the cemetery (that said, one of the things I cleaned out of my dad's was his grandmother's ashes, sitting on a shelf, so apparently it's a family trait....)

But I was glad I still had them, because I recently found out that Vandalia Glassworks offers very cool memorial glass art that incorporates ashes. I really wish this had been around years ago, because I get my love of glass from my mom, and she would have loved the idea. (I even looked into trying to extract some of her ashes for that purpose, but it was basically a no-go from the cemetery).

I finally took care of sending them in the ashes recently, and so today when Beatrix had  along-anticipated coffee date fall through and was upset, she and I went in (after first stopping at Black Sheep for a scone, natch) to pick up the globe. We loved looking around their gallery, and talking to the people there. I would still LOVE to take a glassblowing class, though Miss Sophisticated, who took a glass camp at Foci already, is looking for more challenge.

It was a good reminder that even in the middle of this, art still exists and guides us, and can help us remember and honor people. I might have needed that right now.


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