Bar + Cart Confusion
Many of you know of my love for Bar + Cart. It's no Lawless; no matter how often I m there I never seem to become a regular. But I'm there frequently; we both have Gold Cards; and I try to get people there as often as I can. We were just there with my Norwegian cousins and were super-happy to share it with them. It's been the kind of place I also like to bring new people to for happy hour meetings, so I was super excited when, just last week on January 9, they announced a whole new happy hour menu with great prices! I posted it on my timeline and tons of people wanted to meet up for drinks. Great way to start 2025! Today I met my friend there. I was a little surprised when, newly painted on the door it said "Social Hour 3-6,"but I thought maybe they were incentivizing showing up before 5:00. Menu prices were higher too, but they had just made another post about the happy hour earlier today, so I figured it was all good. My friend and I were wedged into a table bef...