
Showing posts from March, 2009

Reasons I Love My Neighborhood - Nina's

Every Sunday, we love to get together with neighborhood friends at Nina's Coffee. Hanging out for an hour caffeinates us appropriately, allows us to see people and interact socially without unduly trying the patience of Duchess Beatrix, and catches us up with community news. Added points for watching Jeanne look for the Aldi ad! Thanks guys, for starting the day right! Tonight we also get to have neighborhood friends over for dinner, so I had better go make a grocery list...


Ignore the cheer of the last post. It's wet and cold and about to snow. Yech!


March is normally, hands down, the most dismal month in Minnesota. The month where it should be spring (and seems to be everywhere else in the country), but here is still winter with lots of ice and really filthy snow. My mom used to escape to Amelia Island in March. I have many happy memories of being there with her, and I think part of my intense wanderlust of the last week was wishing I was there walking along the beach, or visiting one of my many favorite restaurants and shops. It's a truly magical place. Today, however, I'm happy to be in Minnesota. It was truly spring today (though who know if it will snow again any day now), with balmy weather and sun and people out enjoying themselves. I took Beatrix on a long walk in the stroller after dinner, and we had a great time looking at everything, and seeing the dogs, and window shopping on Grand (though most restaurants seemed pretty empty). The fresh air wore her out! I still have wanderlust. But today, I'm awfu...