
Showing posts from June, 2019

Summer of Fun

In past years I've had Summer of Peacocks, Summer of Gin, and Summer of Rosé. Last year, though, was Summer of Death. Since then. I've had a year of making up for the time I took off to deal with my dad to have Fall, Winter, and Spring of Too Much Work. So I'm declaring this summer the Summer of Fun. I'm going to work on puzzles and stay up late watching movies. I'm going to lie on the hammock and read. I'm going to take the dogs for walks. I'm going to hang out in the back yard and drink wine with friends (ok, not tonight because it's raining). I'm hoping for some great cocktails. I'm going to enjoy the heck out of hanging with Beatrix before she goes into middle school and starts not wanting to spend time with me. And actually I'm hoping to do a lot of nothing. Or at least some of that. I'm going to start Summer of Fun Friday night with a pool party. I hope you'll be there. But if not, we  have all summer.