Mommy Blogs? Daddy Blogs?

Postings have been slim over here for awhile.  Not because I haven't wanted to, but simply because juggling work and life has given me no extra time to be inspired to write, or even to write un-inspiredly.

Part of the problem is that I don't really know what I want this blog to be.  Really, the majority of my life right now is being a mom.  But I don't think of myself as a "mommy blogger."  And I doubt I am up to the level of the BlogHer ladies, even if I did.  So a bit of an identity crisis, really.

At the same time I've been reading Julie and Julia (on the Kindle, natch!) and contemplating that blog, and blog purposes in general.

And thinking about my website and brand identity.

It's a lot, and I've come to no firm conclusions, except that I need more sleep.


In related news, Patrick's blogs were featured in a Daddy Blog section of the Pioneer Press.  Check it out here.


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