Book Painting

Tonight, Beatrix and I went to Junket: Tossed & Found to make things. Every Thursday, their artist-in-residence, Meg (who also was, apparently, one of Beatrix's teachers at ArtStart this summer), leads you through some found-object art. Tonight it was painting with gouache on book pages. And you all know I love book pages.

Beatrix's pictures (the pair with the flower pic) were amazing.

My first one (the wine glass) really sucked, but I did better with the wavier one.

Once I got into the flow, I really enjoyed it. I've resolved to rip apart a book, buy a set of gouache paints, and start painting. Beatrix wants to make paintings like these at her birthday party, but of snowflakes.

Next week, they are going suminigashi (Japanese ink marbling on paper), so I think we'll go back. Wanna join us?


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