The 12 Dogs of Christmas

One of Beatrix's favorite movies this holiday season has been "The 12 Dogs of Christmas" (and its equally riveting sequel, "The 12 Dogs of Christmas 2: The Great Puppy Escape.") In both movies, a scrappy young girl who loves dogs saves the town with a holiday show featuring — well — the twelve dogs of Christmas (you know, "Five Golden Retrievers…")

Ever since we lost Geronimo, we've been looking for a new dog, but keeshonds are hard to find. Last week, though, the perfect chance came along. A keeshond puppy came up locally, with Midwest Animal Rescue. I had a board meeting and then court, but Patrick pounced on the process, filling in the application, having them check our references, and scheduling a home visit; we passed all with flying colors. We fell in love with her through her pictures and video. But, a family had applied just before us, who the adoption person did not think was seriously looking, and they ended up taking her. No puppy for us.

For the last eight years, I have managed Christmas, as hard as it has been. We've hosted Christmas Eve, we've made lefse and cookies, we've attended holiday shows, we've gone caroling, and we've brought up a little girl who has a deep love of Christmas tradition (she claims that "The best part is spending time with family…and then presents.") Some years, I break down early; some years we go to my mother's grave; every year I power through. But it's always hard, and I don't know when it's going to get any easier.

I was looking to this puppy to fix Christmas, and that didn't happen. I was looking for it to be the 12th dog of Christmas. I don't know how Christmases will get better, instead of this kind of painful "I'm trying," but I hope they will. I hope we get a puppy, sometime. So if you see a keeshond puppy looking for a home, let us know...


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