National ID - Not

This week, it was revealed that, beginning sometime in 2016, Minnesota drivers' licenses will not be compliant for identification on US flights (along with those from New York, New Hampshire, Louisiana, and, oddly enough, American Samoa.)

Apparently, we are one of the states who does not have strong enough residency checks when we renew driver's licenses, thanks to the 2009 legislature/Pawlenty administration voting to prohibit the Real ID Act.

There is now apparently a way to purchase an "enhanced license" that does meet these requirements. but when I renewed my driver's license last month I was not given that option.

What really raises my blood pressure about this is that, as you see above, last month I renewed my DRIVER'S LICENSE. That regulates, cleverly enough, my ability to drive. In order to receive said license, I had to be of age, receive a permit, pass a driver's test, and I have to have insurance on my car, and pass a vision test. These all relate to the optional privilege of driving a car — and only that.

Though it is used in place of an identification card (I suppose primarily because it has a picture and so many people have one), a driver's license is not intended to be an ID. Now whether or not we *should* have a national ID is an entirely other question. But I firmly believe that we are in for never-ending problems when we expect one sort of ID — one with very specific requirements and use — to stand in for another one kind of one that has national security implications.

ETA:  One of my friends just pointed out, what if you are enrolled in TSA pre-check (since TSA is where you need the ID), but have an ID from one of these states? Anyone? Bueller?


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