Continuing Ed

As I said earlier, I've been taking  a lot of great classes lately.

I've mentioned the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota classes in a previous post, and we have been getting a lot out of those. In the past month or so we've taken one on painting, two on floor refinishing, one on electricity, and there's one we are signed up for tomorrow on plumbing if we can solve childcare (at least one of us will be going). We're also taking a really exciting one on iPhone photography with them later this month, with the always-fascinating Eric Mueller!

I'm bolstering that with some online continuing education. I'm currently beta-testing a new course on social media, which is more work than I expected, but which I'm learning a lot from (not the least of which is my ineptitude at using Google Sheets). Later this month, I'll be doing more online courses with the ever-amazing Christina Boyd-Smith, and amazing life church. Join me, it's free! Link here.

In between, I'm reading as much as I can, though I still have a propensity for fiction over non-fiction. But, as I was working on Beatrix's summer camp schedule today, I was thinking about how important learning new things is for me, especially high now. In many ways, it feels like the only way to combat the current toxic political climate, and to grow stronger, which is all kind of my theme for the year.

There are a lot of fun classes I want to take, too, if I can swing the funds. My friend Anna is teaching a sewing class I hope to do. I really want to take the Bittercube cocktail classes, but don't think we can swing the funds right now.

Am I the only one focused on learning MORE MORE MORE? I doubt it. What do you do to keep yourself curious?


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