
However, 2018 has had some good points as well, especially in stretching myself. I went with Beatrix, two of her friends, and their moms up to a magical dogsledding weekend at Wintermoon Summersun , which reminded me of my love of the outdoors. It was absolutely magical. We hiked 5 national parks in Utah over 5 days over spring break, visited friends in Denver, and drove home through Iowa in a blizzard. We went to Iceland for a week, meeting amazing people and exploring the incredible geography. Thanks to my friend Bethany, I created some subversive scrapbooking pages and made my first State Fair entry (no ribbon, but...) I auditioned for, and was cast in, The Overachievers web series through Wonderlust Productions, which was an amazing experience. (I also got featured in a piece on Ramsey Hill, coming out in 2019). My friend Sarah pitched some of my writing to the Minnesota Women's Press, who invited me to write a piece on the Summit house . I'm so proud and wa...