You Betcha!

Recently, I helped a new friend set up her Quickbooks. She has a great food subscription box company called the You Betcha! Box, and as a thank you, she sent me one!

Its delivery was actually a little anticlimactic; I came home to find the subscription box, along with a box containing some new Danskos I had ordered, placed squarely in the path of a mini-waterfall off of our porch roof. Thank you, substitute mail dude (our regular guys incredibly careful, so I know it was not him!)

I had seen some of Katie's other boxes while I was there working on Quickbooks, but know this would be the best one as soon as I opened it:

First there was some great information about the small Minnesota vendors in the box, plus a coupon for a tour of a distillery in Carver (yum):. Years ago, I worked with an arts consortium forming in Carver, so I am excited to head out there and see what they have been up to! Plus, I love the focus on music education:

Then we got to the snacks, some great, distinctive samples of delicious food, especially known for the sweet/savory mix. I've been meaning to take some snacks with me to work, as I end up getting pretty hangry by the end of the day, but I may have to arm-wrestle Patrick for these. I don't even really like honey, but the little jars are so cute I might have to give them a try:

Look how well the little bottles were wrapped in corrugated cylinders. They can't ship liquor (thus the distillery coupon, but the items are the next best thing:

I love how you learn about the vendors with each of the boxes — you get a really great sense of ho they are and why they are pursuing their particular dream, and so you can look for them in the future once you get hooked on the product. I LOVE trying new things and being foodie on trend, so I think the box is brilliant! I would love to see some cross-marketing; can you imagine checking in to a B&B, for example, and having this waiting for you?

Go to their page and give it a try — and order one for me while you are at it!


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