Ch-ch-ch Changes

So there's been a lot of change and thought and such going on here in the Gladhill Rhone household. It's all fine, and we're fine, but adjusting to the new is always a process — maybe even more so as people are starting to take some first small steps out off a pandemic. I went to a show with a friend, and then a drink last night, and I'm about to leave for choir practice in person. That's a lot.

And we're not the only ones. Early last fall, we returned to doing Yoga and a Pint in person, first out in the patio and then in the brewery. With a few exceptions, we've gone every Saturday and Sunday since then. Viv was doing classes in person, but also simultaneously streaming online (sound familiar to you teachers?). There was always a tech problem (also sound familiar, teachers?), but the students laughed it off. Not so much Viv, who was always having to deal with some tech nightmare right as class began. Last week, it came to a huge exploding head on Sunday, and Viv made it through the class, but pretty much collapsed in tears at the end. She then made the brave decision to stop streaming, and to just be there in person.

This was a huge step. It's going to lose income for her, and connection with those that can't make it in person. But she'll be the first to say it also seemed right.

Years ago, I used to hang out at TPT a lot during member drives, and Sure Orman was a frequent guest. Whatever you may think of her, I think she has one thing really right. "If you are closing your fists tight to keep what you have," she would say, "you won't have your hands open to accept new thing."

So I think that's how Viv feels, and I've come around to realizing that's how I feel too. If you are open to new things, I'd love to talk to you. If you are open to new things and want to do some kick-ass yoga, come join us Sat or Sun at 10:30 at Yoga and a Pint (at Lake Monster) and have a drink with us afterwards and we can talk about those new things.

I love you all. Change is scary. But necessary.


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