Day Off

January was a beast and so I was determined to not work today(ok, so I answered a couple of tiny work questions, but I mostly took the day off).

My perfect plan was sleeping in, having brunch with Patrick, heading to Watershed, taking the dog to a taproom, reading a lot, doing a puzzle — I had so much planned!

But when things don't happen perfectly it just leaves room for reality...

I could not get a space at Watershed, but my friend Jan invited me over to her sauna. Except she forgot to preheat it, so it was...chilly. But we got to hang out and talk for an hour so that was fun! Came back and took a hot shower to warm up.

Brunch with Patrick, at the (fairly) new High Hat on Selby was absolutely delicious> I really liked it there — tasty food, friendly service, and a good vibe— and will be back for sure!

I took Brutus to Forgotten Star taproom. He's pretty much fully blind (and suffering some dementia, I think), so I was hoping that being at a taproom when it was light would be more fun for him. He used to love to go to them, but I think the dim light when we take him out has been bothering him. I think he had an ok time (and Forgotten Star is lovely!), but he did still bark a lot and could not seem to relax. His getting older is breaking my heart, but he still seems happy.

I tried to take a nap, but the cats were having none of that, so I headed to Nina's for a latte. I was settled in and reading when I got the news that Beatrix's brand new (expensive) Patagonia down jacket, with her gold chain from her grandfather in the pocket, had gotten stolen at school. Not misplaced, but literally someone walked into the room and grabbed it off the table where it was, and no one thought to challenge them. So that kind of put a buzzkill on the day.

Apparently, though, it's National Crepe Day, so we took advantage of the BOGO offer at Paris Crepes and Boba for dinner. It was delicious! Apparently I've making up for all the time I am not spending on Grand Avenue (because I'm just not as interested in the places there anymore as it becomes mediocre and chain-y) by spending money on Selby.

While Beatrix was at circus, we headed over to Barely Brothers Records 10th anniversary celebration to see Beebe Gallini play (and also ran into our friends Chrissy and Jim). THAT was the highlight of the day! Despite the fact that we are all much older, it brought back a sense of being a carefree teen (why don't they appreciate it when they have it?). SO MUCH FUN!

So no, not the perfect restful day I had envisioned. But more wins than losses, I suppose, so I'll take it.


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