April Showers - A Build Post

It's been All Circus All The Time this weekend around here (plus raining all weekend), so most projects — especially outdoor projects — have been on hold.

But I did stop at Summit today to put canna bulbs in the planters there. The house was rented in the fall and I had not made it over to clean out the pots so I removed the old mushy bulbs and put a new one in each pot that I had gotten from the Buy Nothing group. Inspired by Africa, I would really like to out a line of them along the fence, but I don't know if I'll be able to find any more bulbs.

I was also given a fern that I planted by the air conditioner surround; I would love to have a whole bunch of shade loving plants in there!

The magnolia is almost done blooming, but the rhododendron (the part not previously girdled by rabbits) looks great.

And the serviceberry, the pear, and the redbud in back are all blooming too!


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