So Patrick and I just finished our #yearcompass books (which got delayed for all kinds of reasons this year, the main part being when Quickbooks Online locked me out for days and I had to rebuild everything, but I digress.
The final part of the process is to set your word for the year — so much better than a resolution.
Last year, my word was BUILD, and I do think I spent a lot of the year building in many ways — physical projects, building clients, building relationships...
This year, my word was going to be GROW.
But *maybe* in this case the delay was good. Because I don't know if I can dedicate myself to growing in 2025. I might just need to try to stay sane.
(and also I had a tarot session on New year's Eve that did not make "Grow" seem like the best choice.)
So after a lot of back and forth, my word became "ATTEND," and I like that a lot.
Attend more performances, and art.
Attend parties and events.
Attend to friendships and relationships.
Attend to the needs of others.
Attend to long-delayed things, like the filing I have been doing all week or the big stack of mending I just finished.
Attend, as in regularly go to, classes like yoga.
Vocabulary.com tells me the meaning of "attend" is:
to be present, to listen, or give care or attention to
So yeah, "attend" seems right right now.