Thinking back, last night gets more and more exciting. By the time Patrick got to vote, they were out of ballots and he had to write on a post-it note. Minnesota had almost 200,000 Dems turn out to caucus — the previous record was 80,000 in either 1968 or 1972 depending on how you count, but I guess THAT doesn't matter any more! Just to put that in perspective, Dem turnout in the Iowa caucuses were 236,000. Our site (Ramsey Junior High) was cited as one of the craziest sites; we're a very active neighborhood and I don't think recent redistricting helped in that chaos. True, there was no way that anyone was prepared for that onslaught. But I would so much rather have it that way than the other way around. Maybe, just maybe, there is enough energy in this country to not only elect a president who can turn us around, but then stay involved in the process long enough to support that and make it happen. I want that change so badly, not only for myself but so much for Maxi...