Start Where You Are - Don't Go Someplace Else

So, you all likely know I have been on the search for the perfect journalling method. I've tried an inspirational one that seemed too doing, and have bene using a plain notebook with a set of fancy pens my friend Mia gave me after Winston ate my original journal and pens. I've heard good things about Patel's items, so when I ordered up this one, I was hoping it was the perfect thing — but I am sorely disappointed. I likely should have started with her book and not this planner.

The journal is in a blank book format, so you start in whatever month you want, mark that month, and then there are 5 weekly spreads to date as you want. At the front of each month is a lovely picture and quote (easily my favorite part!), with a small — too small — section for goals, another small section for important dates (I already know I have more important dates in a month than can be summarized in 10 lines), and a notes section. I also take issue with something I ALWAYS find to be a flaw in these kind of calendars — each weekday has a section, and then to fit in the 2-page spread, Saturday and Sunday, easily my busiest days — have to share a slot. This ends up ruling it out for me right away.

Also at the end is a weird section that totally seems like filler directly from my grandmother's 1952 datebook: a few pages with time zones an international calling codes, measurement conversion factors, roman numerals, the phonetic alphabet, and traditional anniversary gifts, birthday lists, plus a few blank pages for contacts.

The size is nice, easy to fit into a purse or bag, and as I said, I like the pictures. But this won't be solving any go my journalling needs, so I am still on the hunt.

(I received this item from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest opinion.)


bethanyg said…
Ok, since this doesn't do it for me but might for someone else, I'm doing a giveaway for it! Comment below if you would like to be entered, and I'll do the drawing tomorrow morning, August 27.
Unknown said…
I would love to try this ❤️
Jen N said…
I've been trying to find one that I like, too! But, I always hesitate to buy a new kind since they are pricey!
Anna J said…
I'd love to be entered! I love planners!

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