(Another) Snow Day
Yesterday was supposed to be another big snow day. Classes and events were preemptively cancelled, with the first big blast likely coming around noon. I went out to brunch with a group of girlfriends, then came home and waited. I had a big list of things to do: sledding! snowball fights! baking! movies! cocktails! family games! Beatrix's SPA essay! reading! cleaning!
And so we waited. It got grayer and grayer, but no snow.
Beatrix cloistered herself in the library and got her essay done, in one draft.
No snow, but then it started to rain. Patrick changed course and headed to the hardware store to get pet-safe salt (Winston has had it up to here with ice this winter....)
Finally, we decided to tackle the front bookcase. I've been frustrated lately, knowing I've had a ton of books I want to read and not knowing where they were. I've bought duplicate copies of things, because I have not been able to find them. It's incredibly frustrating. Plus, of all the things we're dealing with at my dad's, it's the weight of the books that has seemed the hardest somehow.

We sorted out all the books and organized them by genre. I also weeded out about 100 books I'll likely never read again. It was a little like searing off my skin to do so, but they'll be better off going to new homes:

While doing so, we also listed to Ruby Vroom. I would have liked to go to the concert that night, but let's face it, it would have been tricky enough to get a sitter anyway, with Snowmaggedon on the horizon it just was not going to happen.
Meanwhile, Beatrix cleaned out her art desk, a huge endeavor on its own. While doing so, she pulled out some jars of sand and shells she had saved from various trips, so we put those on top of the bookshelves, along with some prop books discarded form a circus show:

It's not perfect yet. We need some art that fits above it, and the rest of the hall needs some organization. But I'm pretty happy with it. And did I mention I have about 100 books that need new homes?
The snow started falling about 6 and I made a skillet chocolate chip cookie and we settled in to watch Umbrella Academy.
So all in all, not the perfect snow day we imagined, but pretty close.

And so we waited. It got grayer and grayer, but no snow.
Beatrix cloistered herself in the library and got her essay done, in one draft.
No snow, but then it started to rain. Patrick changed course and headed to the hardware store to get pet-safe salt (Winston has had it up to here with ice this winter....)
Finally, we decided to tackle the front bookcase. I've been frustrated lately, knowing I've had a ton of books I want to read and not knowing where they were. I've bought duplicate copies of things, because I have not been able to find them. It's incredibly frustrating. Plus, of all the things we're dealing with at my dad's, it's the weight of the books that has seemed the hardest somehow.
We sorted out all the books and organized them by genre. I also weeded out about 100 books I'll likely never read again. It was a little like searing off my skin to do so, but they'll be better off going to new homes:
While doing so, we also listed to Ruby Vroom. I would have liked to go to the concert that night, but let's face it, it would have been tricky enough to get a sitter anyway, with Snowmaggedon on the horizon it just was not going to happen.
Meanwhile, Beatrix cleaned out her art desk, a huge endeavor on its own. While doing so, she pulled out some jars of sand and shells she had saved from various trips, so we put those on top of the bookshelves, along with some prop books discarded form a circus show:
It's not perfect yet. We need some art that fits above it, and the rest of the hall needs some organization. But I'm pretty happy with it. And did I mention I have about 100 books that need new homes?
The snow started falling about 6 and I made a skillet chocolate chip cookie and we settled in to watch Umbrella Academy.
So all in all, not the perfect snow day we imagined, but pretty close.
