New Year Organization

I'm still recovering so not supposed to do much.

But I've been able to work with Patrick and Beatrix to do some decluttering. This is the main shelf in the kitchen — I love that we can now get to everyday pottery dishes! I think there's room for some small art as well.

(This project is also what inspired me to finish making the bitters).



This is an area on the 3F with clothes to get rid of. The "before" actually looks worse than the "after" because my daughter cleaned out a lot of her closet, but now everything is in order by size and kind of clothes, so we can easily bring them to clothing exchanges and the like! We brought 2 bags to a clothing exchange yesterday, and in return picked up only a couple of (needed!) items!



Oh, and we cleaned through the dog's toys and dropped them off for another dog on the neighborhood free board. No pictures of the toys, but here's Winston being not so sure that "sharing is caring."

It's nothing major, but it's something!

ETA: Then we did the cookbooks:

Before and After:

And organized the cookbook cabinet:


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