Don't Be a D*ck
This is Winston. He's the image for this post because he can quite often be a bag of d*cks. He pees on the orchid stand, chases the cats, and barks at sunbeams. Brutus, sweetly sleeping beside him in this particular picture, can also be a d*ck, especially when he barks his tiny, fast becoming-blind-and-deaf head off because he thinks the other dogs need to go outside. (but in general, they are Good Boys and I love them). These two serve as a reminder that living beings are complex. No one (with a few exceptions I won't go into here) is completely horrible pond scum, and also no one is absolutely perfect in every way. And, in my main point — people are going to have different views and will be passionate about them. Just because they don't agree with you does not make them terrible people. I know people are down on social media, but I generally like it, except for the small point that it has a tendency to make us all didactic monsters. If you don't agree with someone, i...