Cabinets (and Not in a Political Way) - A Build Post

So the other thing that our unfortunate guest this summer did that she should not have was to put a bunch of things that should not go into the dishwasher...into the dishwasher.

This led me to a massive cleaning of the cabinet that our dishes are stored in. A take-no-prisoners adventure that tossed out a ton of items (including the Aas Beer glasses I got from a liquor distributor before we were married) and all the chipped dishware. 

Of course, I had to get a set of gorgeous highball glasses from the free board today to replace the 16 faded pint glasses I had tossed, but that's normal, right?

We got new shelf liner and Patrick got it set up while I was in a zoom meeting tonight. The new glasses are in the top middle. Please admire them to prove I was right.

There was enough liner left over to redo the super-greasy cabinet by the stove. That also involved some major de-accession, including a bottle of paprika oil I believe I bought in Slovakia in 1991. I even packed away my beloved leaf-patterned teapot whose handle had broken and that was held together with very dodgy glue.

Before (but after I had removed items):


How do you celebrate such accomplishments? You clearly go to Forepaugh's and have several cocktails with friends:


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