Tuned In and Connected

Well, I've managed to get myself generally up and running in the virtual world, with bonus points for almost all of it being one-handed typing while dealing with the baby:

- I've been posting and keeping up with my on-line women's community, though the best part has been seeing the TC-Alts in real life!
- I've put up some recipes on a shared wiki.
- I am now on Facebook, so friend me! I decided against MySpace, though, because I am Just.Too.Old.
- I'm also on Twitter, as bethanyg. Still on AIM as popothecat, but not on it so much right now.
- I have a flickr account that is woefully underused.
- I am up on GoodReads — do you think they count ebooks because...
- I ordered a Kindle, though the wait is interminable. While I've been waiting, I've lurked (mostly) on their discussion boards and posted a little. I've also started an Amazon Wish List, though it has to be under Elizabeth Gladhill because that's billing name they have on file.
- I opened an RME account and was happy to get the free $25.
- We started a Netflix account, and watched a lot of movies and tv series on dvds while up at all hours.
- Soon I'll have a new website up and running!

Meanwhile, Patrick has been blogging like crazy and is re-designing his site, plus working on his schedule to make more time for clients (so let him know if you need any computer support).

I can't say that all of this has completely revolutionized every part of my life, but it has certainly made some things a lot easier, and especially with my time so limited right now, I'll take all the help I can get!

EDITED: I forgot that I set up a Revolution Money Exchange (RME) account! I blogged about this earlier, but during the beta phase they are offering $25 just for setting one up, plus $10 for me if I refer you, theoretically from the following link:

Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange


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