When Things Take Longer

Everything today ran behind, which was hard because it was a tightly packed day.

The photoshoot for Beatrix's headshots thing morning ran 2 hours, not the 45 minutes I had expected. But he was able to get hundreds of great photos of different looks, and I loved watching my kid vamp for the camera. She loved his set-up and wants to ask for photo lights for Christmas next year. And it was 2 houses down from my grandparents' former home, which made me very nostalgic.

The Erin Murphy house party we went to ran long (which was good because we were late due to the photoshoot). Which allowed us to hear her talk about why she's running and have a great conversation with her. I'm 100% With Her. She's amazing.

The performance of The Nutcracker that we attended today went long because we went backstage to see Beatrix's friend Flannery after the show. Flannery was amazing, as were my friend Tracy's daughter and my friend Momoko's daughter and son. We got to see a ton of people we knew in the audience and it felt very Christmas-y. I've spent a lot of time at the O'Shaughnessy this year and it has all been great!

The cookie exchange I went to tonight went long because there were snacks and wine and fantastic conversation with some really brilliant ladies. I like my cookie exchanges with a side of politics, thank you!

There were a number of things I wanted to do today that I did not get to, and for that I am sorry. But for all the things I did get to do, the fact that they took longer than expected was a real gift.


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