2021 Resolutions

I wondered what I had resolved for 2020, but then I went back and realized that I don't think I had made any. So let's just say that I wanted to spend more time with family, read more, and learn how to use zoom, and call the year a success.

Truth be told, though I make resolutions every year, I struggle with them — particularly right now. This year? Well, suffice it to say that making it through the day and actually getting my teeth brushed seems like a huge accomplishment sometimes.

Should NY Resolutions be large, overarching goals that make fundamental change? Yeah, maybe, but how do I know if I achieve that, and that's not really just a one-year thing. Should I be changing habits? Probably, but it turns out that I am really resistant to that. A Facebook group I am on was talking about a list of goals, "21 for 21" since apparently #20for20 was a big trend I missed (but I guess so did everyone else who had "travel more" on their list...) 

So I go through my usual thoughts. Travel more. Have people over to dinner at least once a month. Create more. Exercise. Create a vision board. Serve my clients better. None of those seem even do-able right now.

So, I went back to my original thoughts. They are still valid, and are kind of a mix of all the above thoughts:

1. Become a QuickBooks Pro Advisor.

2. Clean out storage areas.

3. Write a letter a month.

4. Plant a ton of bulbs at all the houses (remind me of this in the fall).

5. Never pass up a chance to be kind..

I don't know. Maybe these are too many, or too few, or the "wrong" kind, or not in pretty bullet-journal format, or something. But these are resolutions I think I can live with. What are yours?

(Cute dog and husband picture from Lake Monster last night because the post formats funny without an image. And also because if your resolution is to spend more social time outside at taprooms, I would join you!)


bethanyg said…
Oh, but I did add 75 books for the Goodreads 2021 reading challenge. But that does not really count.

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