Brutus on Brewpubs - Stay at Home Edition

Brutus really misses taprooms.

We have discovered that, on Mondays, Insight will fill your growler for $10. Even when you add on tax and tip (because hey, these guys are risking their lives to get you beer), it's a great deal, and lasts us a couple of nights. We especially like the Small Batch "Flavor Savor." Here is Brutus, in a ridiculously cute Santa sweater, demonstrating how good it is.

We're so dedicated to small taprooms that today we drove to Saint Paul Brewing, in the impending blizzard, to pick up some Haze of Infatuation. Also because they are having an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest and we believe Brutus should win. 

Even if you don't have beer and a ri-donk-u-lous-ly cute dog at home, we hope you are bundled in against the elements and ready for winter holidays, pandemic version. This year, more than ever, it's not about what we want, but what we have.


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