Pandemic Projects - 'Tis The Damn Season Crafting

Staying at home has made for slightly more Christmas crafting. I come from a tradition of exuberant 1970s holiday crafts — of sequined ornaments, and waldorf-doll-looking wise men made with nylons over styrofoam balls — and of course of Christmas baking.

So when we were picking up pans at the Dollar Store yesterday for distributing Christmas dinner, I picked up a mug that I could alter to paid tribute to my favorite song from Taylor Swift's new Evermore:

(it's artfully posed on the puzzle I just finished!)

I followed a prompt to make a Mandalorian paper snowflake. I only had the bad scissors, and Mando's mask did not come out exactly right, but I thought it was a noble attempt. Here it is displayed with another creative concoction, the French 75s we made last night.

I made Christmas cookies for a socially distanced cookie exchange (more on that later):

I also did a display outside our home with the extra branches we lopped off the Christmas tree, but I think there's more to do on that.


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