We'll Leave the Light On

On this last trip, we stayed at nine different places. We normally camp out at one place for a week or so, so this gave us a nice way to compare and contrast.

What we learned:

- Places that consider themselves "fancier" put only 3 pillows on each bed. This is strange.

- Due to bedbug incidents twice with out daughter on previous trips, we always carefully inspect a room before settling in. Every place in this trip passed, though in one in Monterey (our most sketch hotel by far) we needed to move due to a strong smoke smell.

- A warm pool is lovely, and a hot tub is even nicer. The zero-entry, warm pool at the Madonna Inn was amazing.

- I really loathe keurigs, which taste like plastic. Big pots of coffee in the lobby, along with a minimal effort towards a pastry and maybe some fruit, make me really happy. I was more impressed by the minimal but heartfelt set up at the Adelaide Inn than I was the fancy but chaotic full buffet at the Riu San Francisco. (the fresh baked cookies at the Adelaide on check-in was also a win).

- I never watch the TV, though we did once this time for the Oscars.

- The trend towards stemless wine glasses and a wine opener, plus higher-end toiletries, is nice.

- Nice showers are nice. I'm still coveting the rain head at the Adelaide Inn (that place totally won for thoughtful amenities at a low price point).

- Having a reasonably priced bar in your lobby is a big draw, now that we're old enough to leave our kid for a bit.

- Arranging discounts at local restaurants when you show your room key is appreciated.

- Little things mean a lot. The Magic Castle in LA was a perfectly fine hotel, maybe  little worn. But their uber-friendly staff, and all the amenities (free candy! free soft serve! a laundry area! a popsicle hotline!) made it a total highlight of the trip.

The BEST times we had on the vacation, though, was spending time with friends. Spending hours with Jay and Lou at their place the first night, and staying at Val's and talking until late each night, were for sure the best parts for me. After a couple of years of not being very connected, these were golden moments.

So here's our offer to you. If you are coming to, or driving through, Minnesota, we would love to have you stay with us for a few nights. We'll offer you 4 pillows, no bedbugs, real coffee, stemless wine glasses, and cookies. If we're at Summit, there will be a warm pool. The TV part is less likely.

But we would love to see you and connect.


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