Not My Year

Except for a fingertip, I have never broken anything in my life (not even anyone's heart that I know of!). Apparently, I was saving it all for this year.

Yup, this morning when the internet went out (because Xfinity was messing with our lines yet again), I decided to take a quick shower and then work offsite.

Cue Tiger Lily, who is obsessed with the faucet, hovering around the tub waiting to get in. And me tripping on her as I got out of the tub, and knocking my head on the toilet, and my nose on the bathroom wastebasket.

Cue blood like a crime scene (ugh, I did not have "clean the tile grout" on my task bingo card right now) and a ton of pain. And then a lovely trip down to the United ER (I really should just get a timeshare there) to be diagnosed with a broken nose.

I have a headache so bad I can't see straight and my nose is kind of bent and feels like it has been stuffed back into my head. My nose has big scrapes and was surgical glue on it. I need to go in to get it reset next week when the swelling goes down.

And then there was huge hail, which was bad enough to scare the animals and thrash the plants bit likely not the roof replacing kind.

And the internet is still choppy so I still can't get real work done. I'm behind, and Patrick is behind because he had to come get me and take me to the ER.

Not my day/week/month./year.


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